Hooks On Heaven


Prayer over prayer, I climb

Searching in wonder for whomever therein dwells

Lords & ladies?

Saints, angels…

Crossing rainbows latticed of beliefs

Buttressed by Faith

This is harder than I thought:

Escaping humanity

While wearing a skinsuit!



I’ve never lacked fortitude or fortune

Promised God in every encounter

I examine each for divine traces

Sometimes finding only one gray hair.



The hot, fierce light of New Mexico

Seasoned by overcast

To a blend of blessing-cool

A morning to sit outside

Traffic blowing by in purposeful wind

Life catching its breath

For one more day on Planet Earth



Who can trust wisdom anymore?

That of the ages is pop-stuff now

Our minds are far beyond the tenets

Deep in personal responsibility

Dig in, my Soul, find the

Traction of grace

Levity of blessing

Spores of holiness…

Follow the perfume of angels a-wing

Orient towards the Divine

It’s the scent of love

Fresh-baked & set

Upon an open windowsill

Of a morning.


CREATION (Two Views)


I wonder if God donned an apron

Then set to shape the World.

Dusted His hands in flour & water

Before patting up the clay…

Could be He set us up along the

Fence ‘round Heaven

Walking down the line

Breathing out

Blowing us into the twice-blessed world.

I like that He clapped us up out of nothing

Cobbled up a world to home us

Blessed it blue & brown

Setting our souls a-wing into space-time.



Maybe a Mother made us

Searching the rag-bag pile

For scraps in red & yellow,

Tan & black…

Pulling these free &

Settling on a stool to

Fill a whimsy.

How lovingly she worked,

Symmetrical & shapely –

Imagine us, the source of Her delight

As we began our Song of Thanks…

Her affection captured, She

Fell to earnest Creation:

A world for us to dwell upon

Creatures to ride & roar & race

Greens to eat

God! She thought of everything!

Even water to get us clean again,

Brains to continue in personal conceivings,

Hearts to love…

Then up to bed She went

And in the morning, we were gone.




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